TSCA Autoecole driving classes

Driving a car gives the freedom to move around and better integrate into the local culture and practices. Volunteers of ICT are working with TSCA Autoecole to simplify the process of getting a French driving license (Permis B) to the English speaking mass through its tailored Code training and exam in English.

If you are interested in joining the next batches of Driving classes, please contact the volunteers listed in the poster or write to indiancommunitytoulouse@gmail.com.

**Note: This is an intitiative taken up by volunteers of Association Indian Community Toulouse(ICT) to help the Indian community and other English speakers to get French driving license (Permis B). There is no financial interests for ICT or its volunteers and done on the sole idea of communtiy service.

If you want to know more about driving with Indian licenses during initial period of stay in France or want to register yourself as a independent candidate for driving exams, please go through our Driving Licence blogs.


Association ICT

Association Indian Community Toulouse is a non-profit association governed by the French law of 1 July 1901 for associations declared to prefecture. It aims to bring together all the people interested in India & its cultures and represent the Indian community around Toulouse.